Clean&Clear Essentials Moisturiser – Review

Hi, my lovelies 🙂

I hope this post finds you all in the pink of health, Inshaa Allah!

Today I’ll be taking forward the last post of mine which you guys must have seen earlier 🙂

Here you go.

To begin with, I really like the packaging; very sturdy and easy to handle. The product is easy to squeeze out of the flip-flop cap and surprisingly, it allows quite effectively to handle the quantity as well which mostly doesn’t happen with flip-flop caps.


I have an attraction for products with “oil free” written on them so, naturally, I had to purchase this one. But let me tell you, I first bought the smaller size for in case I was to be disappointed, I’d overcome it in a matter of minutes, haha!
I am an oil factory, and upon application, it blended well with my skin type. I was truly elated to see how non-greasy it is and you don’t feel as if you have a layer on. It is super duper lightweight and a little goes a long way; a pea-sized amount works well enough.

Not to forget that this works really great under makeup. I slather it all over my face and neck before using makeup and it helps my skin in being super hydrated and also keeps makeup from collapsing 😀
For many people, its scent seemed somewhat of a hospital one, but I kinda liked it so yeah, you got to decide that on your own whether or not you like it.


I have forgotten the price tag, my sincere apologies! :(. However, I can assure you that it’s under 200 PKR and guys so is  therefore super pocket-friendly. And I think, for the price, it is certainly a good catch 🙂

This is it lovelies! I shall catch up with you all with yet another review :).

Until next time,
Love and prayers!
