Clean&Clear Essentials Moisturiser – Review

Hi, my lovelies 🙂

I hope this post finds you all in the pink of health, Inshaa Allah!

Today I’ll be taking forward the last post of mine which you guys must have seen earlier 🙂

Here you go.

To begin with, I really like the packaging; very sturdy and easy to handle. The product is easy to squeeze out of the flip-flop cap and surprisingly, it allows quite effectively to handle the quantity as well which mostly doesn’t happen with flip-flop caps.


I have an attraction for products with “oil free” written on them so, naturally, I had to purchase this one. But let me tell you, I first bought the smaller size for in case I was to be disappointed, I’d overcome it in a matter of minutes, haha!
I am an oil factory, and upon application, it blended well with my skin type. I was truly elated to see how non-greasy it is and you don’t feel as if you have a layer on. It is super duper lightweight and a little goes a long way; a pea-sized amount works well enough.

Not to forget that this works really great under makeup. I slather it all over my face and neck before using makeup and it helps my skin in being super hydrated and also keeps makeup from collapsing 😀
For many people, its scent seemed somewhat of a hospital one, but I kinda liked it so yeah, you got to decide that on your own whether or not you like it.


I have forgotten the price tag, my sincere apologies! :(. However, I can assure you that it’s under 200 PKR and guys so is  therefore super pocket-friendly. And I think, for the price, it is certainly a good catch 🙂

This is it lovelies! I shall catch up with you all with yet another review :).

Until next time,
Love and prayers!


Summer DIY!

Summer is that kingdom, of which Karachi is the king!
And I was a happy commoner residing within it until the  King declared war with its own people, defying the love and loyalty we have always had to offer. 😦

My slogan: Beat the Heat!
Their slogan: Heat shall prevail!

During the face-off on the battle ground, they started shooting their oily missiles, but fear not friends; I outnumbered them! 😉

Here, I bring you one strategy to combat the opponent if any such thing happens to you :).

Grab an egg, separate the whites from the yolk and  apply the whites evenly onto your face. Let it dry. Apply a second layer and again leave it to dry. After you have applied the third layer and that too has dried, wash it off thoroughly with water. And voila, the victory shall be at your feet ;). You will slowly experience a reduced oil-skin and upon application twice a week, a drastic change shall be evident.

I hope this helps you out and you get your due rights like me :D. Please do share your experiences in the comment section with me!

Love you all!


Instagram: @linkin.zoha
Twitter: @zoyie23