L.A Girl Lip Glazed Paint in Tease – Review


I hope you all are fit, fine and shining ❤
As for me guys, I am gearing up for my university test. So when you say your prayer, do not, I repeat, do not forget to take my name and pray that I clear it and get through 🙂

And I just realized that I am blabbering. Hehe!

Let’s get to the fulcrum of this post :).

So, I was eager to purchase this because of its name, you know this “Lip Glazed Paint” really attracted me. And I got it :D.


The packaging is glazed, as the name suggests. Also some may find it eye-piercing with that retro touch, if I  make sense ^_^. The glossy pink packaging and gold lid makes it easy to identify out of your vanity. I kind of like these sort of packaging, so yeah, I give it full points on that

Just with a paint, you would need several coats of it for that smooth layer. I am not that very happy with the formulation and the train of coats I need to apply for an even layer. At the end, I feel frustrated. Having said that, the color appeal is quite good. The color is very pretty and has the right amount of glossiness.

Coming towards the applicator, I am not at all fond of such slanted applicators. I literally struggle and never ever have I been able to get that perfect lip shape with them. I had to go for a lip brush every time I used this, firstly as it involves quite a few layering and the applicator kind of takes the product away and makes it look patchy and secondly, like I said I could not manage to make the lip shape, in that case, a lip brush saves the day.

Longevity and Scent:
It only managed to last for 2-3 hours. And man, it was disappointing. If you eat or drink a tad bit, it even doesn’t stay up to 2 hours. You would need several touch ups through out your event or whatever occasion.

I have a love and hate relationship with its scent. Sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it don’t. I think here, mood takes the lead, ha!
Speaking of this, it has a minty scent; I also felt a cooling sensation on my lips for a few minutes due to the ingredient Mentha Arvensis (Peppermint) Leaf Oil which did not mind at all.

Price: Rs: 350 from MyGerrys

-Good color pay off

-Low longevity
-You dislike the applicator
-You need several coats for smooth finish
-You dislike minty scent and the cooling sensation


5 thoughts on “L.A Girl Lip Glazed Paint in Tease – Review

  1. I bought this one and I was really excited to try it out and I hated it. The applicator was annoying, the formula smelled super bad and it was so sticky! So sad because the color is so pretty and it could’ve been such a good product 😦

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