L.A Girl Lip Glazed Paint in Tease – Review


I hope you all are fit, fine and shining ❤
As for me guys, I am gearing up for my university test. So when you say your prayer, do not, I repeat, do not forget to take my name and pray that I clear it and get through 🙂

And I just realized that I am blabbering. Hehe!

Let’s get to the fulcrum of this post :).

So, I was eager to purchase this because of its name, you know this “Lip Glazed Paint” really attracted me. And I got it :D.


The packaging is glazed, as the name suggests. Also some may find it eye-piercing with that retro touch, if I  make sense ^_^. The glossy pink packaging and gold lid makes it easy to identify out of your vanity. I kind of like these sort of packaging, so yeah, I give it full points on that

Just with a paint, you would need several coats of it for that smooth layer. I am not that very happy with the formulation and the train of coats I need to apply for an even layer. At the end, I feel frustrated. Having said that, the color appeal is quite good. The color is very pretty and has the right amount of glossiness.

Coming towards the applicator, I am not at all fond of such slanted applicators. I literally struggle and never ever have I been able to get that perfect lip shape with them. I had to go for a lip brush every time I used this, firstly as it involves quite a few layering and the applicator kind of takes the product away and makes it look patchy and secondly, like I said I could not manage to make the lip shape, in that case, a lip brush saves the day.

Longevity and Scent:
It only managed to last for 2-3 hours. And man, it was disappointing. If you eat or drink a tad bit, it even doesn’t stay up to 2 hours. You would need several touch ups through out your event or whatever occasion.

I have a love and hate relationship with its scent. Sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it don’t. I think here, mood takes the lead, ha!
Speaking of this, it has a minty scent; I also felt a cooling sensation on my lips for a few minutes due to the ingredient Mentha Arvensis (Peppermint) Leaf Oil which did not mind at all.

Price: Rs: 350 from MyGerrys

-Good color pay off

-Low longevity
-You dislike the applicator
-You need several coats for smooth finish
-You dislike minty scent and the cooling sensation


Liebster Award 2016!


Isn’t it an utmost delight to get to know people across the globe? Tell you what, at some point I was quite skeptical of how my blog would go, but Alhumdulillah it’s been a tremendous ride.

… .And the cherry on top is this nomination by the ever-so stunning fellow blogger “Jhalli Diva“. Thank you and a big virtual hug for nominating me pal <3. Guys, do visit her blog for it’s loaded with real amazing posts. 🙂

Here come the rules:
1.Acknowledge the Blogger who nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer 11 questions that the Blogger gives you.
3.Give 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 5-11 Blogs that you think are deserving of the award.
5. Let the Bloggers know that you have nominated them.
6. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Now, let’s get to the fun part. Here are the answers to the questions I was asked 😀

What’s the weather like right now?
Summer!! Karachi is all about Summer!!!

Do you drive? Have you crashed?
No, I do not drive. And the day I will drive would be the last day of every other human being on this Earth, haha!

What was the last movie you saw?
Life As We Know It.

Have you ever been to a different country?
No 😦 Dying for an opportunity though!!

Do you like sushi?
I haven’t tried it yet but would love to.

How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
18 🙂

Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Cosmetic Lenses; depends on my mood and on the occasion :D.

Do you color your hair?
No, but I am planning too.

What is your eye color?

Which are your 3 favorite brands?
As in cosmetic, Maybelline, Rimmel and Elf

Who are your Favorite YouTubers?
Amenakin, Kaushal Beauty, Farah Dukhai, Mimi Ikonn

I,hereby, nominate:

Following are the questions I’d love to see you guys answer 🙂

1) What 3 essential tips will you give to a newbie blogger?
2)Top 3 book suggestions?
3)All time favourite leisure activity?
4)Favourite cosmetic brand?
5)Favourite clothing brand?
6) Reveal 5 facts about yourself not discussed on your respective blogs ever.
7)Your pick: Instagram, Twitter or Facebook?
8) Have you met any other bloggers in real life?
9)How did your family and friends react upon knowing about your blog?
10) Who do you look up to as your role model?
11)Your favourite holiday spot?

I can’t wait to read your answers fellow bloggers 🙂 Please do leave the link to the post in the comment section below; I most earnestly am looking forward to it.

Lots of love,

Instagram: Linkin.zoha.
Twitter: @Zoyie23.
